
Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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Are you hunting mice or antelope?

Read Time: 3 minutes This Weird Question Changed My Life Believe it or not, a question Tim Ferriss often asks himself is: “Am I hunting field mice or antelope?” When I first heard this question, I felt intrigued... but also a bit confused. What did hunting have to do with entrepreneurship? Let me explain - A lion needs to catch only one antelope to have food for several days. But even if a lion is starving to death, it should never hunt mice. Why? Because a lion burns more calories hunting...

about 5 hours ago • 4 min read

Read Time: 4 minutes My weekly CEO Scorecard System When your company grows, it's easy to lose sight of what really matters. Maybe you know the feeling... Constantly putting out fires. Buried in the day-to-day, reactive instead of proactive. Being so focused on the immediate challenges that you forget about the fundamentals. I use to operate this way...and it led to WORSE margins and financials. But then I discovered a simple tool that changed everything - My Weekly CEO Scorecard. It's a...

7 days ago • 5 min read

Read Time: 3 minutes How I grew 6 accounts to 100K+ followers (and how you can too) Happy Wednesday 👋 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a massive, engaged following on social media? I'm talking thousands of followers listening to every word you say. People lining up to buy what you're selling. Opportunities and top talent attracted to you and your brand. Well, I've built a 100,000 following. Not just once, but SIX times. And now I want to show you exactly how I did it. In...

10 days ago • 2 min read

Read Time: 3 minutes The system I used to build a 7-figure business that runs by itself Every founder should strive to pass the 1 Month Test - Close your laptop... Turn off your phone... Go on a vacation for 1 month... And leave your team and systems in charge. If you can come back to a business that is stronger than when you left it, you pass the test. If you can't pass this test, you're not free. When I built Bitmaker, the business relied on me pulling 14-hour days. And there's only ONE way...

14 days ago • 5 min read

Read Time: 2 minutes Happy Wednesday 👋 "Deep work is the superpower of the 21st century." - Cal Newport Master the art of deep work, and you'll be able to learn anything, build anything, and achieve anything you set your mind to. It’s the first step towards the life you always dreamed of. Most people think deep work is about "distractionless" work - But removing distractions only solves half of the puzzle. The other half is getting into a flow state. Flow is the state of mind when time feels...

17 days ago • 3 min read

Read Time: 3 minutes 6 core beliefs that make failure impossible Four years ago, I had a revelation that completely transformed my life. For a decade, I had prioritized my companies over myself. Working 14-hour days, re-investing everything into growth, and paying myself almost nothing. Putting the company first is a popular belief many founders swear by. But for me, it was a destructive mindset. While I appeared successful from the outside, inside I was dying. If you want to be a founder for...

21 days ago • 5 min read

Read Time: 3 minutes Happy Wednesday 👋 I talk about audience growth a lot. Not because I want to sound like a broken record - but because it's actually that important. I owe so much of my success, and the success of my businesses, to building an audience. So why don't more people build a following online? Well, to be completely honest, because it isn't easy. That being said - It is simpler than many realize. If you have a proven blueprint to follow and you put in the work. I’ve been building...

24 days ago • 3 min read

Read Time: 3 minutes 5 ways drawing every day changed my life (and may change yours, too) Back in September, I took my girlfriend on a surprise Soul Trip. I drove her 4 hours from LA to Esalen, the home of the Human Potential Movement. Located on the coast of Big Sur, California, the views of the sea and mountains were nothing but majestic. Esalen We went to this distant location to take art classes from one of the Burning Man founders. For seven days, we unplugged completely - Building...

28 days ago • 5 min read

Read Time: 3 minutes How to hire a Chief of Staff I was on the brink of burnout when I built Bitmaker 13 years ago. Overworked, overwhelmed, and barely keeping my head above water. I had so much on my plate that I was working until 2 am every day. Burning the midnight oil was never meant to be okay, even as an exception - But for me, it was part of my daily routine. Deep down, I knew I needed help. A second-in-command to take things off my plate. But I didn't know where to start, so I never...

about 1 month ago • 5 min read

Read Time: 2 minutes Happy Wednesday 👋 Imagine being in a room with 20 millionaire founders looking at you. Each of them is at the top of their game, eager to scale their business. Now imagine being the person tasked to unlock $10 million in annual revenue for these founders - in just one weekend. No pressure, right? Recently, I found myself in that exact situation, hosting our Founder OS Mastermind in LA. I spent countless hours preparing to make sure it wasn't "just another mastermind." And...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read
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