
Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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5 lessons I learned from interviewing 134 millionaires

Read Time: 3 minutes Happy Wednesday đź‘‹ "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston S. Churchill Today, I'm writing to you from my desk in New York. I took a trip to visit my coach and friend Ryan at his place. I feel deeply grateful. Over the years, I've had the privilege of interviewing 134+ millionaires. (honestly, I've lost count!) From tech entrepreneurs like Tobias LĂĽtke and Chamath to event organizers - These individuals have...

Read Time: 3 minutes How to build a Personal Board of Advisors I think of my personal growth like a startup. Startups have a board to help them grow faster, avoid mistakes, and learn from the people ahead of them. And as an entrepreneur, you're the CEO of your personal growth startup - So why wouldn't you have a personal board of advisors too? When I set out to build the biggest media company in my industry, I knew I needed to learn from the best. So I surrounded myself with legends: My...

Read Time: 3 minutes Hey founder, I just got back from an epic hike through the jungles of Colombia, and I had a lot on my mind. Over the past 15 years as an entrepreneur, I've learned some hard lessons - and I decided to share them all in one raw video. Here's the link to check it out: In this video, I went deep into: The power of compounding and how it can transform your business (and life) Why learning is the ultimate competitive advantage for founders The...

Read Time: 3 minutes How to Create the Perfect Webinar I ran a small experiment that ended up driving $2 million for my business last year. It all started with a dream I had two years ago - I wanted to fill a stadium with 50,000 people. I knew it was a long shot, so I started small. I began hosting online events, sharing my knowledge with anyone who would listen. At first, I was nervous. I wasn't sure if anyone would show up, or if they'd find value in what I had to say. But as I continued to...

Read Time: 3 minutes Are you building a 7-figure prison for yourself? I'll never forget when I had this terrifying revelation. On paper, I had everything - the revenue, the team, the reputation. But I didn't feel successful... I felt empty, anxious, and completely trapped by my own creation. In the words of Naval Ravikant - "Trade money for time, not time for money. You're going to run out of time first." And that's exactly the hard truth I was facing. I had built a multimillion-dollar...

Read Time: 3 minutes The Proven System to Generate 20+ Sales Calls a Month (Without Needing a Team or Paid Ads) I see it happen all the time... Through sheer grit and determination, a founder manages to get some good traction with their business. But then, as they look to grow further, a startling reality sets in... "Is this it? Am I going to be stuck on the hamster wheel of hustle and grind forever?" I know because I've been there. I sacrificed my health, relationships, and happiness for the...

Read Time: 3 minutes Happy Wednesday 👋 “Retirement is when you stop sacrificing today for an imaginary tomorrow. When today is complete, in and of itself, you’re retired.” — Naval Ravikant Most people think being a founder is a relentless grind. Society has led us founders to believe in a false trade-off... That you have to pick between money and success OR happiness, health, and freedom. But that's an illusion. You can have both. Building a business should be about designing a life you're...

Read Time: 3 minutes How I turn 1 piece of content into 26 (effortlessly) I’m often asked:“How do you manage to create daily content for 6+ different platforms?” The answer is surprisingly simple, and I’ll get to it in just a second - But first I want to quickly discuss why so many founders fail to achieve Online Omnipresence. See, most people rely on willpower to create content. They set a rule to post every day for 30, 60, or even 90 days. Then, each day, they post about whatever comes to...

Read Time: 2 minutes Limited spots left: Get Founder OS at the legacy investment and crush Q3 Happy Wednesday đź‘‹ Q2 is wrapping up, and Q3 is just around the corner. With that in mind, I'm curious: What are your goals in the next 90 days? Some of mine: Launch our new LinkedIn for CEOs course Crush my next 6 YouTube videos Finalize the details on the next Founder OS Mastermind event But back to your quarterly goals... Where do you want to be in 90 days? And what will you need to do to get...

Read Time: 3 minutes 22 writing lessons that got me 1 billion views This might come as a surprise... But I used to suck at writing. Then about 3 years ago I resolved to become a better writer. Since then, my words have gotten over a billion views and have lead to a following of 2+ million across my channels. Writing is a superpower, and THE most important skill that you can cultivate. The cool thing is, you don't have to be "naturally gifted" to become a great writer. There are tried and true...