This small experiment made me $2 million in 2023

Read Time: 3 minutes

How to Create the Perfect Webinar

I ran a small experiment that ended up driving $2 million for my business last year.

It all started with a dream I had two years ago - I wanted to fill a stadium with 50,000 people. I knew it was a long shot, so I started small.

I began hosting online events, sharing my knowledge with anyone who would listen. At first, I was nervous. I wasn't sure if anyone would show up, or if they'd find value in what I had to say.

But as I continued to show up, month after month... something incredible happened.

People started implementing the strategies I was teaching. They saw real results, and they told their friends. We went from 20 to 100, to 200, to 500+ attendees in a few months.

What started as a small experiment quickly became a major revenue driver for my business.

Last year alone, it drove $2 million for my portfolio companies.

Webinars make you a better public speaker, build trust, and turn prospects into buyers.

Today, I'm going to share my 6-Step Perfect Webinar System with you.

Leverage it to take your brand to the next level.

The 3 Proven Systems to Automate Your Growth & Build a Life of Freedom

Next Thursday, I’m hosting a brand new CEO Coffee Break.

In it, I’ll share the 3 proven systems that took me from burnt out founder to founder freedom.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  • My step-by-step process for determining the most critical actions to reach your goals faster
  • Little-known hacks to 10X your results by optimizing your daily activities
  • Trusted methods to outsource and automate 90% of your workload
  • The surprising mindset shift needed to break free from the hustle for good
  • And much more…

>>> Secure your spot and discover the 3 proven systems of founder freedom

But now, back to how to host the perfect webinar…

What is a webinar?

A webinar is a digital live presentation that has 2 goals:

1) To educate your prospects about the problems you solve for them

2) To convert prospects into buyers

It’s an appetizer for your main offer. (Click to tweet)

Here's how it fits into your funnel:

A well-crafted webinar is the tipping point that turns a curious lead into a customer.

Follow these 8 steps to create one:

Step 1: Identify your ideal attendee

Creating a webinar needs a deep understanding of who you're creating it for.

Know your ideal attendee's:

  • Challenges
  • Goals
  • Objections

Understand them before you sell them.

Step 2: Craft your big promise

The most important part of your webinar is the ONE big outcome you promise to deliver.

Ask yourself-

"What is the ONE transformation that attendees will experience if they show up and stay until the end?"

Your big promise should be:

  • Specific and measurable (ie. "Double your sales in 60 days" vs "Increase revenue")
  • Achievable and realistic (Don't promise the moon if you can't deliver)
  • Relevant to your ideal attendee's #1 goal or challenge

Then, break it down into smaller steps -

"What are ALL the key steps someone needs to take to achieve [Big Promise]?"

This becomes your webinar outline.

Aim for 3-5 key points that build on each other.

Step 3: Structure the webinar

Here's the perfect webinar structure:

  • Hook them from the start. The first few minutes of your webinar are critical. You need to grab your audience's attention and give them a compelling reason to stick around.
  • Deliver mind-blowing content. This is the meat of your webinar. It's where you deliver on your big promise and wow your audience with your expertise.
    Some tips:
    • Use a simple, 3-part framework to organize your key points (ie. the 3 secrets, the 5-step system, the 4 pillars, etc)
    • Balance teaching with storytelling to keep things interesting
    • Include social proof from existing clients and screenshots to prove your expertise
  • Transition to your pitch. This is where many webinar hosts drop the ball. They deliver great content, but when it comes time for the pitch, it feels abrupt and disconnected. To create a seamless transition, you need to connect the dots for your audience.
    Some tips:
    • Recap the key points you covered and the progress they've made so far
    • Paint a picture of what their life/business will look like once they implement everything you've taught
    • Share a personal story of how investing in [your offer] was the missing link that helped you achieve [big promise] faster and easier
    • Position your offer as the natural next step for them to get the outcome they desire
    • Focus on the benefits and transformation, not just the features and logistics
  • Make an irresistible offer. Present your offer clearly, focusing on how it provides the solution to the problem discussed. Include bonuses to increase the perceived value.
  • Host a Q&A. This is your chance to address any lingering doubts or concerns. And to build trust.

Step 4: Create a high-converting slide deck

Your webinar slides are a critical part of the attendee experience. They should enhance and clarify your message, not distract from it.

Some tips for creating slides that convert:

  • Keep text minimal - no more than 10 words per slide
  • Use high-quality images that reinforce your point
  • Make important data or processes visual with charts, graphs, timelines, etc
  • Display social proof like testimonials and media logos

If you have the budget, hiring a designer for this is a high-leverage investment.

My team creates our slides in Figma.

Step 5: Promote your webinar on social media and in your newsletter

Treat your webinar promotion like a mini product launch.

  • Create a sign-up page using Webflow or ConvertKit to collect emails
  • Promote your webinar everywhere
  • In the week before the webinar, send promotion emails. Use my Notion system to write a basic email sequence

Step 6: Collect feedback, refine, and try again

I've held one webinar a month for the past 2 years.

Every time I look back at an old one, I cringe.

After the webinar, reach out to 5-10 attendees personally and ask them for feedback. Then, refine your slides for next time.

I understand that this can feel overwhelming at first. It was for me, too.

Of course, if you want extra support or done-for-you resources to launch your webinar even faster...

I'd like to invite you to book a call with my team to see if Founder OS is a fit for you.

>>> Apply for a Clarity Consultation and see if you qualify for Founder OS

Steal my Perfect Webinar Promo System

If you'd like to get started by yourself, I created a free system for you -

The Perfect Webinar Promo System helps you:

  • Write a 7-email promotion sequence for your webinar launch using AI
  • Create social media posts to promote your webinar using templates
  • See examples of how I've promoted my workshops in my newsletter

>>> Grab my "Perfect Webinar Promo" Notion Pack here

And there you have it - the blueprint for a high-converting webinar from start to finish.

Let's win together,


PS. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1 Watch this YouTube video to learn How I Gained 468K LinkedIn Followers (and Make $1.1M/Month) and create the perfect webinar.

#2 Book me as a keynote speaker. In my talks, I go deeper into topics such as creating the perfect webinar.

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© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

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