
Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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1 interesting observation about my favorite brands

Read Time: 3 minutes How to make your brand so simple, strangers can’t help but buy from you I recently noticed an interesting thing about all my favorite brands: They are insanely simple. Apple - "Think Different." Louis Vuitton - "The Art of Travel." Tesla - "Accelerate the advent of sustainable transport and electric technology." They’re beautiful because they’re simple. They’re rich because they’re simple. That’s why I want Founder OS to feel insanely simple from now on. Because there are...

Read Time: 2 minutes Happy Wednesday I'm writing this 30,000 feet in the air flying from the Dolomites to Charmonix. We're landing soon so I'll make this quick - I just published the most RAW video of my journey yet. Watch it here: What is it all about? Well, 2 weeks ago I almost sh*t my pants skydiving with my CRO. In the video, you travel with me over the world. I reflected about 3 things: The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people (the kind who...

Read Time: 3 minutes 10 Lessons That Completely Changed How I Delegate I want you to remember one thing: if you don’t learn how to delegate in business, you better prepare to drown. Early in my career, I was garbage at delegating. I had trouble asking for help. And I probably came across as an asshole. I insisted on doing everything myself, working insane hours and micromanaging everyone. I thought that was what it took to succeed. But as my business grew, I quickly hit a wall. I felt...

Read Time: 3 minutes Happy Wednesday 👋 Greetings from Chamonix, France. As I hike through the majestic Alps, I'm reminded of a powerful lesson: "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast." Navigating rugged terrain forces you to be intentional with every step. Rush the process and you'll stumble. But get your footing right and you'll cruise through the steepest climbs. Building a business is the same. True velocity isn't just about going fast - but about going in the right direction. On the trail, I...

Read Time: 3 minutes How I'm Building a $50M/Year Autonomous Business Portfolio Sorry for the delay on this edition - I was unplugging and hiking in Chamonix, France for a much-needed mini-vaca. Which I can take whenever I want. Because of how I've built my businesses. For example... I built Herb into an 8-figure business, and I spent 37 minutes on it last month. Nothing makes me happier than an empty calendar. That's less than most people spend scrolling Instagram (in a day). It feels unreal...

Read Time: 3 minutes Happy Wednesday One of my biggest regrets as a founder: Not building a personal brand sooner - even though the evidence was right in front of me: Elon Musk Sara Blakely Richard Branson …they all used their personal brands to scale their companies. Today, I've built a $13.8M portfolio of businesses and an audience of over 2M using my personal brand. Many of you have asked how I did it. So I just filmed a video showing how I’d build a profitable personal brand in 30 days if...

Read Time: 3 minutes How to Triple Your Sales by Collecting Undeniable Social Proof People don't buy what you sell, they buy what others want to buy. I surveyed customers across my portfolio of online companies. 68% said they purchased due to the testimonials around our brand. Put another way, 2 out of 3 customers WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT without social proof. So social proof tripled our sales. That's insane. People trust what others say about you. You need undeniable social proof to show that...

Read Time: 3 minutes Happy Wednesday Real quick - tomorrow, I'm hosting an intimate CEO Coffee Break session and I'd love for you to join me. Grab your spot here before they fill up: (if the link doesn't work, we sadly hit Zoom capacity - sorry) Not sure if it's for you? The CEO Coffee Break is kinda like an iced latte: It's cool, it's enjoyable, and it adds real, tangible value to your life. (anyone who says otherwise about lattes, please get off this email...

Read Time: 3 minutes What would you do with an extra 20 hours per week? No, really - think about it. Would you take that bucket list trip with your family? Invest more into your health and relationships? Or maybe you'd double down on your business. Build that new offer you've been thinking about. Or something else. The reason I'm asking is because I used to dream of regaining 20 hours a week. At Bitmaker, I worked 14 hours a day for YEARS. And it made me miserable. I had no time freedom or...

Hi Reader, At the start of 2024, I had the fastest-growing account on LinkedIn. I’d grown to 272,000 followers in just 12 months. Now I’m at 633,642 followers and I’m growing at a rate of 100,000 followers per month without paying a single dime on ads. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in the power of LinkedIn and what it could do for my business. But now my team has attributed $2.8 million in sales directly to my LinkedIn audience. Today is the first day of my brand new program that...