how I move faster than everyone else (5 principles I live by)


Read Time: 3 minutes

Happy Wednesday 👋

Greetings from Chamonix, France.

As I hike through the majestic Alps, I'm reminded of a powerful lesson:

"Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."

Navigating rugged terrain forces you to be intentional with every step. Rush the process and you'll stumble. But get your footing right and you'll cruise through the steepest climbs.

Building a business is the same. True velocity isn't just about going fast - but about going in the right direction.

On the trail, I reflected on the 5 principles that help me move faster than everyone else:

1) Velocity = Speed + Direction

Just as a compass guides you through the mountains, your inner compass should guide your business.

Align your direction before accelerating.

If you don't give your life direction, someone else will.

2) Avoid Burnout

Dear Matt - you tend to want it all NOW.

But ascending too fast leads to altitude sickness.

In business, pushing too hard leads to founder fatigue. With FOS, I pace myself for the long climb and protect my personal boundaries.

3) Narrow Your Focus

On narrow cliffside paths, you can't afford missteps. Focus on each step. In your work, zero in on your zone of genius. Attempting too much too fast will have you tumbling.

4) Imperfect action > perfect inaction.

Def took some unplanned "scenic routes".

But each misstep ultimately improved my judgment of the terrain. Indecision hurts more than no decision at all. Judgment improves with practice. You'll be fine.

5) Take Massive Action

Dream big > start small > act now

The 5-second rule: if you know you need to do something, get started in 5 seconds.

Navigating new terrain, you'll take some wrong turns. That's okay.

What a time to be alive. It took me 18 years to internalize this advice, and now I make $13.8M/year. Who would've thought that?

Remember, sometimes you need to slow down to ultimately speed up and win the marathon.

Have a great week, and I'll see you Saturday.

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: couldn’t unplug and go for hikes in Chamonix if it wasn’t for my personal brand. It’s the one asset that makes me money while I sleep. If you want to learn how to build a profitable personal brand yourself, watch my new YouTube video:

#2: I’ll pay you $1,000 for each founder you refer to Founder OS. Just copy this link and send it to 5 founder friends:

​​​​#3: Book me as keynote speaker. In my talks, I share practical strategies and systems for audience growth, brand building, and automation.


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