how to create undeniable social proof

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How to Triple Your Sales by Collecting Undeniable Social Proof

People don't buy what you sell, they buy what others want to buy.

I surveyed customers across my portfolio of online companies. 68% said they purchased due to the testimonials around our brand. Put another way, 2 out of 3 customers WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT without social proof. So social proof tripled our sales. That's insane.

People trust what others say about you.

You need undeniable social proof to show that you are the most legit place to get the solution to their problem.

That's why the goal of the Customer Success team at Founder OS is to collect 60+ testimonials a month. And we're making decent progress:

In this email, I'll show you my 3-part system of what I call the Social Proof Triad:

  1. Collecting testimonials
  2. Writing case studies
  3. Using social proof in marketing

Here's how to collect undeniable social proof to triple your sales:

How To Use Content To Monetize Your Social Proof Through Personal Branding

In case you missed it - 2 days ago, I hosted a CEO Coffee Break.

In it, I broke down the exact system I use to make $13.8 million a year using content. It’s a must-watch if you want to build a personal brand that doesn’t only look good, but also makes you money.

Watch the time-sensitive replay here:

>>> Learn how to build a $$$ money-making organic funnel

But now, back to the Irresistible Case Study OS...

To collect undeniable social proof, you need to know how 5 things:

  1. When to ask for testimonials
  2. How to ask for testimonials
  3. How to collect case studies
  4. How to write case studies
  5. How to use social proof in your marketing

1) When to ask for testimonials

The best time to ask for a testimonial?

Immediately after your client has achieved a significant result or milestone.

For Founder OS, 4 examples of our member milestones are:

  1. Member found clarity on their strategy using the Ikigai and Personal Board Meeting
  2. Member started to post authority-building content constistenly on social media
  3. Member made their first sale using the Organic Content Funnel
  4. Member automated their content creation and make money effortlessly

Here's how to do this yourself:

  • List the 2-5 main milestones that your customer goes through using your product
  • After you’ve delivered results to your clients, reach out to the client/customer

Note - you don't need to wait until the end of your program. If you structure your service right, your clients will get wins through the whole process. Make sure that you tell them when they've made wins.

Celebrate their wins with them.

2) How to ask for testimonials

Once your client has hit a milestone...

...reach out with a personalized message congratulating them on their success.

How to do it:

Step 1: Make a direct ask for a testimonial.

I've found the best testimonial format is:

a) Short 30-60 second videos

b) 2-3 sentence written blurbs

(nobody reads longer testimonials, anyway)

The video is marketing gold for social media. The written piece is perfect for your website and sales pages.

Here's an outreach script you can use:

"Hey [Client Name],

I've been following your progress and I'm blown away by your [specific result or milestone]!

Would you be open to sharing a quick testimonial about your experience with [Product/Service Name]? It would mean the world. Thanks in advance and hope you have a beautiful day!"

Step 2: Use to collect testimonials

After your customer approves, make it easy for them to give the testimonial.

We do this by sending them to

Step 3: Add guiding questions

Testimonial collection software lets you add guiding questions. Nailing these is vital to get dope quotes.

Here are the questions we use at Founder OS:

  • Please start with your name and where you are from
  • What were you experiencing before joining Founder OS?
  • Where are you now after 3 months of joining?
  • What is the BEST part about Founder OS? What is the BEST part of the community?
  • What would you say to someone who is considering joining Founder OS?

3) How to collect case studies

Case studies are in-depth testimonials.

They share the entire story of one of your customers.

  • Where they were before your product
  • How your product helped them
  • Where they are now

Case studies are powerful because they allow prospects to relate. We personalize our email marketing to send you case studies of founders like you.

Here's how to collect case studies:

  1. Identify your most compelling success stories and reach out to those clients.
  2. Schedule an interview to dive deep into their journey and results.
  3. Structure your case study with the following flow:
    • Background: Who is the client and what challenges were they facing before working with you?
    • Process: What specific strategies did you use to help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals?
    • Results: Share tangible metrics showcasing the outcomes the client experienced from your work together.

The longer the interview, the better.

Don't only focus on the external transformation. Also, talk about the inner feelings the customer experienced before/after your product.

After all, people want outcomes, but people relate to people.

4) How to write case studies

Based on the interview transcript, write up a case study.

Use this 5-step format:

  1. Backstory: What did their life look like before your product? What feelings did they have? What external outcomes did they want?
  2. Reason for joining. Why did they get your product?
  3. What the product did for them. How did the product change their life? What was the process like?
  4. Obstacles. While using your product, which obstacles did they encounter, and how did they overcome them?
  5. Where they are now. What does their life look like now? How have their inner feelings changed, and which external outcomes do they have now?

To spice up the case study, add visuals and quotes. That's because 99% of prospects won't read case studies. You need to give them the tl;dr in seconds.

For example, here's how we visualize Founder OS case studies:

5) How to use social proof in your marketing

When you talk about how awesome your product is, prospects ignore you.

When your customers talk about how awesome your product is, prospects listen.

The best places to showcase testimonials:

  • Your website homepage and key sales pages
  • Email marketing and nurture sequences
  • Social media (IG stories, reels, TikTok, etc)


Showing social proof isn't a one-off. The way I think about it is:

"Every prospect needs to see our social proof 100 times before they believe it".

I suggest you adopt the same mindset.

How to create even more undeniable social proof

I just told you how to collect social proof. But there's 1 important thing I didn't tell you:

The base of awesome social proof is an awesome product.

This testimonial system is just one of the 100+ proven systems you get access to inside Founder OS. For example:

Our Irresistible Offer OS helps you create an awesome product.

Our Organic Content Funnel helps you sell it effortlessly.

So, if you're looking to scale to $5M in profit and achieve founder freedom, apply below:

As always, if you're not ready to join me inside Founder OS yet - no problem.

I created the Irresistible Case Study OS to help you create undeniable social proof.

It turns a transcript into an irresistible case study using the principles in this email. And it's 100% free to use. Get it here:

By the way-

Want to share this newsletter via text, social media, or email? Just copy and paste this link:

Let's win together,


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: If you want to learn more about how to triple your sales by collecting undeniable social proof, check out my YouTube video on How To Find Your Calling in Life (And Make $20K Per Month)

#2: I’ll pay you $1,000 for each founder you refer to Founder OS. Just copy this link and send it to 5 founder friends:

​​#3: Book me as keynote speaker. In my talks, I share practical strategies and systems for audience growth, brand building, and automation.

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© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

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