how I'm building a $20M autonomous business portfolio

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How I'm Building a $50M/Year Autonomous Business Portfolio

Sorry for the delay on this edition - I was unplugging and hiking in Chamonix, France for a much-needed mini-vaca.

Which I can take whenever I want.

Because of how I've built my businesses. For example...

I built Herb into an 8-figure business, and I spent 37 minutes on it last month.

Nothing makes me happier than an empty calendar.

That's less than most people spend scrolling Instagram (in a day). It feels unreal for me to say because I used to spend 80+ hours a week running it.

The contrast couldn't be bigger -

15 years ago, I was in the office building from 8 am to 2 am building Bitmaker - a coding bootcamp I started in Toronto, Canada.

Right now, I'm mountain biking and hiking through the Italian Dolomites.

(pictures don’t do it justice)

Meanwhile, Founder OS is humming along on autopilot. We did over [X] revenue in July, and we made these sales without me lifting a finger.

This is what an autonomous business portfolio looks like -

A business portfolio that runs itself, freeing you to live life on your terms, controlling the 4Ws:

  1. Where you work
  2. When you work
  3. With who you work
  4. On whatever you want to work on

In this email, I'll show you how I achieved entrepreneurial autonomy (and you can, too):

The System I Use to Create Undeniable Social Proof that Tripled Our Sales

People don’t buy what you sell—they buy what others want to buy. By leveraging social proof, we tripled our sales, with 68% of customers purchasing because of our testimonials.

1 week ago, we launched our overhauled Newsletter OS module inside Founder OS.

It covers the exact system I used to collecting testimonials, writing compelling case studies, and leveraging social proof in marketing.

And it’s just 1 of the 13 foundational plug-and-play systems you get access with our program.

If you want to build a digital empire - we have all the systems you need to make it work.

But now, back to Autonomous Empire Builder OS…

Building an autonomous portfolio starts by acknowledging a painful truth:

Every founder wants the elevator to success.

But the truth is, you got to take the stairs.

The stairs are:

  1. Building an audience from Day 1
  2. Nailing your offer
  3. Owning your community
  4. Scaling your business with one system at a time

Step 1: Build Your Audience From Day 1

One of my biggest regrets is NOT building a personal brand sooner, even though I had the evidence right in front of me:

  • Tesla has 30m followers - Elon Musk has 187 million followers
  • Apple has 12 million followers - Tim Cook has 18 million followers
  • Spanx has 400k followers - Sara Blakely has 2 million followers

You get the point.

If you want to make money online, you need people’s trust.

And today and in the future people trust people - then they trust brands.

People want to buy from people that have an emotional connection with. (Click to Tweet)

Your personal brand is your reputation. It's your digital handshake. And it's your first impression.

Look 3 years into the future, and every founder will NEED to have a personal brand.

We have never seen an opportunity like this ever, ever, ever, ever and we might not again.

You are still early.

5 years ago, 99% of founders treated a personal brand as an optional asset.

Today, 90% still do, but founders are waking up to the power of a personal brand.

In 5 years, founders who don't have a personal brand will lag behind.

It’s the biggest opportunity in your life if you do it right.

If you do it the right way, you’ll have a competitive advantage over everybody else who’s doing it the wrong way.

Your personal brand is an asset that appreciates over a LIFETIME, accessible 24/7, and that you own.

Don't miss out on it.

Step 2: Craft an Irresistible Offer Your Market Can't Refuse

Your product could be the greatest innovation since sliced bread...

...but if your offer doesn't hit the right buttons in your prospect's brain, it's game over before you even start.

When Founder OS first launched, I called it "The Soulful Entrepreneur."

Yes, it was exactly what it sounds like - quite woo-woo.

I was making $15,000 a month from this new venture. But it wasn't growing as fast as I wanted. I didn't have an irresistible offer.

Until, one day, I called up my mentor Alex and asked him for feedback -

He said:

“Honestly Matt, I don't give a f*ck about your spiritual woo-woo stuff… but I’m really into the proven systems.”

And I took that personally. Within 2 months, I re-branded to Founder OS and doubled down on systems. Today, Founder OS makes $15,000 every single day.

That's the power of your offer.

Engineering an irresistible offer is simpler than it sounds. You only need 3 things:

1) Create a product

2) Listen to your customers' feedback

3) Adjust your product to help them more (or create a new product)

Your success depends on how fast you can iterate.

Step 3: Own Your Distribution to Achieve True Autonomy

I don't care what paid ads marketing gurus say:

Ads are NOT as reliable as owning your audience.

Every once in a while, ad platforms change their algorithm. I've seen this mess up entire funnels for big companies.

Another mistake:

Only growing your personal brand on social media. Just like ad algorithms change, social algorithms change.

You can get de-platformed from LinkedIn at any point.

Instagram can disable your account.

Facebook can block you for reasons you don't even understand.

That's why you need to own your distribution:

  1. Build an email list of leads and buyers
  2. Create a high-converting website that sells on autopilot
  3. Develop content assets that draw in organic traffic 24/7

Own your audience or the algorithm will own you. (Click to tweet)

Step 4: Scale With One System a Day

With the right systems in place, your business runs like a Swiss watch -

Predictable, efficient, and ultra-profitable.

The reason why I am who I am today is because, for 15 years, I built one system a day. Every morning, I sit down and list 9 needle-moving tasks for the day. And then, I did them. Simple.

If you want faster results than everyone else, you need to out-systemize everyone else.

  • Sales systems to convert leads into customers on autopilot
  • Fulfillment systems to deliver your products/services at scale
  • Content systems to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more
  • Finance systems to manage cash flow, pay your team, and reinvest profits

When you have these dialed in, you can step away from your business and watch the money pour in from a ski lodge in Aspen.

But again, they take time to build, so you might as well start today.

By the way- I share all my systems with you inside Founder OS so you can get a head start on the above. If you want to learn more about what we do, book a consultation here.

Autonomous Empire Builder OS

Every autonomous business portfolio starts with a vision.

That’s why I created the Autonomous Empire Builder OS to help you find your vision and start scaling to $20M.

It will help you:

  • Reflect on and create your empire vision
  • Reverse-engineer your vision into action steps
  • Identify systems you can build on the way there

Let's win together,


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: The price to join Founder OS is increase forever on October 15th. Book your call now to join the best community of founders in the world (before the price goes up).

#2: If you want to learn more about How I'm Building a $50M/Year Autonomous Business Portfolio, check out my YouTube video on How to Build a Profitable Personal Brand (In Just 30 Days)

#3: I’ll pay you $1,000 for each founder you refer to Founder OS. Just copy this link and send it to 5 founder friends:

Update your email preferences or unsubscribe here

© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

Get the free systems and tools that 107,000 CEOs and founders use weekly to automate their business, hit $5,000,000 profit per year, and achieve true freedom.

Read more from Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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