real quick...

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Happy Wednesday

Real quick - tomorrow, I'm hosting an intimate CEO Coffee Break session and I'd love for you to join me. Grab your spot here before they fill up:

(if the link doesn't work, we sadly hit Zoom capacity - sorry)

Not sure if it's for you?

The CEO Coffee Break is kinda like an iced latte:

It's cool, it's enjoyable, and it adds real, tangible value to your life.

(anyone who says otherwise about lattes, please get off this email list!)

Jokes aside, I'll cover some cool stuff:

  • Audience-building lessons learned from 14 years of building 4 profitable companies
  • The content framework I've used to generate over $13.4M in sales (without being salesy)
  • The real reason most founders stay stuck on the hamster wheel of hustle (and how you can escape it)

And YES, we can nerd out over coffee at the end of the session during the q&a,

It's gonna be laid back and a bunch of cool founders will come.

I'd love to see you there -

(I hope some spots are still open!)

Let's win together,


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: I just dropped one of my most fun-to-make YouTube videos yet. It features my brother. In it, I share how to find your calling, and the 3 systems that help me make $1.2M a year. Grab an iced latte and give it a watch:

#2: I’ll pay you $1,000 for each founder you refer to Founder OS. Just copy this link and send it to 5 founder friends:

​​​#3: Book me as keynote speaker. In my talks, I share practical strategies and systems for audience growth, brand building, and automation.

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© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

Get the free systems and tools that 107,000 CEOs and founders use weekly to automate their business, hit $5,000,000 profit per year, and achieve true freedom.

Read more from Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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