Want to become a better writer? Follow these 22 writing lessons

Read Time: 3 minutes

22 writing lessons that got me 1 billion views

This might come as a surprise...

But I used to suck at writing.

Then about 3 years ago I resolved to become a better writer.

Since then, my words have gotten over a billion views and have lead to a following of 2+ million across my channels.

Writing is a superpower, and THE most important skill that you can cultivate.

The cool thing is, you don't have to be "naturally gifted" to become a great writer.

There are tried and true principles of great writing that you can follow.

And with some practice, you can hone your writing chops to develop your own signature style and voice that will have followers gobbling up your every word.

In today's newsletter I'm going to share 22 writing lessons I've learned along my own journey.

Leverage them to take your writing to the next level.

Special replay: How to add 10k new followers every month

A few days ago, I hosted an exclusive CEO Coffee Break.

In it, I shared the proven system I developed to add 10,000+ followers every month.

(This same system now has me growing by over 100k followers each month.)

Here's what I covered on the call:

  • The easiest way to build an influential online presence
  • Battle-tested strategies for creating high-converting content
  • How you can instantly stand out amongst all the “noise”

For a limited time only, I'm sharing the replay with my newsletter list.

Want to check it out?

Just use the link below:

>>> Learn how to add 10,000 followers a month

But now, back to the 22 writing lessons…

  1. Write every day. Set aside 30 minutes every day in the morning to practice.
  2. Write for the ear. Use a conversational tone, as if you're speaking to a friend. Avoid jargon and academic language. Read your work aloud to ensure it flows smoothly.
  3. Cultivate an idea garden. Collect interesting ideas, phrases, and observations as you encounter them. Use them in your writing later. Great ideas create great writing.
  4. Trim the fat. Cut unnecessary words and phrases that don't contribute to your meaning. Be concise and direct. Every word should earn its place.
  5. Read every day. Want to write better? Read more. Practice active reading - ask yourself: what makes this writing appealing?
  6. Use one-sentence-stories. Ernest Hemingway once wrote a 6-word story: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn". Here's another one: "As the sun dipped below the horizon, he realized that his journey had been his destination all along."
  7. Illustrate your ideas with brief anecdotes or examples. Re-read lesson #6 to see the perfect demonstration of this concept.
  8. Front-load key ideas. Put your most important points upfront, so people read them.
  9. Craft magnetic headlines. Your headline is the first (and sometimes only) thing readers see. Make it irresistible. Provoke curiosity, promise a clear benefit, and use numbers.
  10. Nail your opening. You have mere seconds to hook your reader. Start with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a gripping anecdote. Give them a reason to keep reading.
  11. Use "you" and "your." Speak directly to the reader. Make your writing about them, not you.
  12. Choose strong, active verbs that convey action and emotion. Avoid passive voice. Don't say - "he ran fast" but instead "he sprinted".
  13. Vary your sentence lengths to create a pleasing cadence. Short sentences hit hard. They're punchy. Impactful. And, if you want your sentences to flow, you can make them longer. Reading aloud helps you find the right rhythm.
  14. Precision paints pictures. Specificity makes your writing come alive. Instead of "tree," try "gnarled oak." Instead of "car," try "sky blue Prius." Precision paints pictures.
  15. Ditch the thesaurus. Fancy synonyms don't improve your writing. They worsen it. Use words you'd use in conversation.
  16. Use dialogues. Now, you might wonder: "Why would I use dialogue in my writing?" Well, as you can see right there - dialogue makes the writing come alive.
  17. Whack weasel words. Words like "very," "really," and "extremely" are verbal tics. 99% of the time, you can cut them without losing meaning. "I was extremely tired" becomes "I was exhausted."
  18. Don't hedge. Don't say: "I think writing is one of the most powerful skills of the 21st century." Say: "Writing is the most powerful skill of the 21st century."
  19. Write with all five senses. Pain a picture - describe how things look, sound, feel, taste, and smell. Bring your writing to life.
  20. Speak on paper. Imagine your reader is right there with you. Write like you're having a lively conversation.
  21. Polish your gems. Spend disproportionate time crafting killer openings and endings. They're your first and last chance to hook and satisfy your reader.
  22. Break the rules, once you know them. Master the principles, then bend them to your will. Originality lies in artful deviation.

As part of my ethos to help you with an actionable system every week, I created Editing OS for you.

The system helps you:

  • Edit your writing for clarity and brevity
  • Use AI to polish your writing according to my principles
  • Get your copywriting from good to great in seconds

>>> Access Editing OS

Let's win together,


PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1. The best way to make money online through writing is a personal brand. And the only way to discover how to build a personal brand that is beautiful, systemized, and effortless is with Founder OS. >>> Click here to apply for your Founder 1:1 Consult with my team

#2: And if you want to learn how to grow to 100,000 followers FAST with your writing, watch this YouTube video

#3: Promote your brand to over 147,000 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (booking into September 2024)

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