Are you prepared for Q3?


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Limited spots left: Get Founder OS at the legacy investment and crush Q3


Happy Wednesday πŸ‘‹

Q2 is wrapping up, and Q3 is just around the corner.

With that in mind, I'm curious:

What are your goals in the next 90 days?

Some of mine:

But back to your quarterly goals...

Where do you want to be in 90 days? And what will you need to do to get there?

The reason I ask is because I see many founders getting stuck in a loop of inaction.

They dare to set great goals but lack the resources to get there.

I want to help them get unstuck.

That's why I've recently invested hundreds of hours (and countless iced americanos) into creating over 100 brand-new lessons...

To ensure Founder OS is the most comprehensive resource for founders looking to scale their businesses online.

Now, as you know, information on its own isn't enough to grow a business.

If it was, we'd all be billionaires.

So we took extra steps to make the new curriculum is as action-oriented as possible.

When you join, we also help you create a custom implementation plan to achieve your goals, with step-by-step action items.

But that's just scratching the surface...

You also get:

  • The complete guide to crafting your Magnetic Offer
  • 90 days of my top-performing content templates
  • A step-by-step blueprint for creating your own 7-figure Social Funnel
  • Personalized support from our Founder Success Managers
  • Live "Inner Circle" mentorship sessions with myself and my personal team of weapons

And much, much more.

This is the ultimate resource for founders looking to level up in Q3 and beyond.

And while the investment for Founder OS will be going up...

I've set aside 100 spots at the legacy investment.

And those spots are going fast...

So let me ask you one last time -

Where do you want to be in 90 days? And what will you need to do to get there?

If you don't want to leave your success up to chance, but instead want to leverage a proven system to make it a reality...

​>>> Apply now to secure your spot in the all-new Founder OS​

Arm yourself with the tools and strategies you need to make Q3 your best quarter ever.

Did you see these recent gems?

Over the past weeks, a few of my posts have gotten some massive traction.

Here are 3 must-reads:

7 Rare Soft Skills to Accelerate Your Career

The 7 Most Powerful Life Hacks I've Discovered

5 Steps to Build a Winning Company Culture

One last thing before I go...

Creating viral content like this is just one of the many things I'll be covering in my new LinkedIn for CEOs course.

If you'd like to gain access to launch-only bonuses, I encourage you to join the waitlist here.

Let’s win together πŸ₯‡


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1. The best way to make money online is a personal brand. And the only way to build a personal brand that is beautiful, systemized, and effortless is an Organic Content Funnel system with Founder OS. >>> Click here to apply for your Founder 1:1 Consult with my team
#2: If you want to learn more about growing an influential personal brand on LinkedIn, check out my YouTube video on how I gained 1.8M followers FAST​
​#3: Book me as keynote speaker. In my talks, I share practical strategies and systems for audience growth, brand building, and automation.


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Β© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

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