5 lessons I learned from interviewing 134 millionaires


Read Time: 3 minutes

Happy Wednesday 👋

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston S. Churchill

Today, I'm writing to you from my desk in New York. I took a trip to visit my coach and friend Ryan at his place. I feel deeply grateful.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of interviewing 134+ millionaires.

(honestly, I've lost count!)

From tech entrepreneurs like Tobias Lütke and Chamath to event organizers -

These individuals have achieved incredible success in their respective fields.

Today, I want to pass on the lessons they taught me to you.

The 5 lessons I learned from interviewing 134 millionaires

The five main lessons I've learned:

1. Know your anti-goals

The biggest regret millionaires hold?

Sacrificing their non-negotiables for success.

Humans are 6x more loss-averse than reward-driven.

Don't only think about your goals.

Also, create "anti-goals" for what you don't want.

Some things in life are never worth sacrificing.

2. See everything as an experiment

Successful individuals are not afraid to experiment and fail.

They understand that progress is more important than perfection.

When you re-frame failure as progress, you can't lose.

3. Focus on your health above all else

Your health is the foundation upon which your success builds.

Millionaires understand that without optimal health, their achievements are meaningless.


  • Exercise daily no matter what
  • Make sleep a priority
  • Eat healthy

(and YES - they invested in their health before they got successful, not after)

Invest in your health, and your success will follow. It's a cliché for a reason.

4. Fall in love with the process, not the outcomes

Millionaires understand that true fulfillment comes from enjoying the journey.

Almost nobody had a goal to "become a millionaire".

Instead, they just focused on building. Day in, day out. They played infinite games.

Focus on falling in love with the process -

The outcomes will take care of themselves.

5. Take calculated risks

Millionaires handle fear with rationality.

They dare to act based on hard data when everyone else follows the herd.


  • Weigh the potential risks and rewards
  • Trust their instincts and first principles
  • Take action, even in the face of uncertainty

Treat your life as one big experiment. It's more fun that way.

I hope these insights from millionaires inspire you to reach new heights in your own journey.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.

Stay focused on your goals. Stay committed to personal growth. Call your loved ones from time to time. And surround yourself with the right people.

By the way- if you're still looking for your tribe of founders, consider applying for Founder OS.

Have a fantastic week, and keep pushing forward.
Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
#1: If you want to learn more about the lessons I learned from interviewing 134 millionaires,
check out my YouTube video on 15 Years of Business Knowledge in 43 Minutes.​
​​​#2: Book me as keynote speaker. In my talks, I share practical strategies and systems for audience growth, brand building, and automation.


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