Struggling with content consistency? Read this.

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How I turn 1 piece of content into 26 (effortlessly)

I’m often asked:

“How do you manage to create daily content for 6+ different platforms?”

The answer is surprisingly simple, and I’ll get to it in just a second -

But first I want to quickly discuss why so many founders fail to achieve Online Omnipresence.

See, most people rely on willpower to create content.

They set a rule to post every day for 30, 60, or even 90 days.

Then, each day, they post about whatever comes to their mind.

At first, they get decent results.

But after the initial excitement wears off, showing up each day online gets harder and harder...

Eventually, they stop creating content…

….until they feel motivated again, and so, the cycle continues.

I probably don't have to tell you this -

But that’s a terribly inefficient way of creating content.

Now, if you've slipped into this pattern before, don’t beat yourself up. Every founder I know has been through this draining way of creating content.

You don’t lack the willpower to stay consistent with content.

You lack systems to make content creation effortless. (Click to Tweet)

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” - James Clear

So how do I manage to post content so consistently and across so many channels?

Simple, I use a Content Waterfall System.

The Content Waterfall System transforms every X thread I write into 26 more content pieces.

Keep reading if you want to learn how to create 10X more content than your competitors -

With half the effort.

The CEO’s Blueprint To Winning on LinkedIn

The Content Waterfall System is one of the crucial systems for LinkedIn growth.

I’d love to tell you about the remaining ones. But I can only go so deep in an email.

So, for the first time ever, I’m sharing all my systems and frameworks in a brand-new program...

Designed to help CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs build a million-dollar presence on LinkedIn.

I’ll share the exact strategies that enabled me to:

  • Grow by over 500,000 followers in less than 2 years
  • Generate a stream of 18,214+ inbound leads
  • Become a respected thought leader in my niche

If you want to be first in line when the doors open, make sure to grab a spot on the waitlist below:

​​>>> Join the waitlist here​

But now, back to the Content Waterfall System…

The Content Waterfall System turns one X thread (or whatever format you want) into:

  • 3 Instagram Reels
  • 3 TikTok videos
  • 3 YouTube Shorts
  • 3 X videos
  • 10 X posts
  • 1 Newsletter
  • 1 Long-form YouTube video
  • 1 Instagram Carousel
  • 1 Long-form LinkedIn post

…that’s 26 (!) pieces of content.

Here's how to implement it:

1) Create your Pillar Content (X Thread)

Your Pillar Content is the “raw” material that you will turn into your 26 content pieces.

I use X threads as my pillar content, but yours could be:

  • Blog posts
  • Newsletters
  • Podcast episodes
  • YouTube videos

Pillar content makes repurposing effortless because your ideas are already fleshed out -

You're simply finding new ways to repackage them.

Content count: 1

2) Dissect and atomize your Pillar Content to create 10 posts

Here's the thing most people miss:

One X thread isn’t one idea.

It's 10-15 smaller ideas strung together. Each of which can become a new post, thread, or even YouTube video.

To turn your thread into posts, first start by identifying as many micro ideas in your post as possible.


  1. Make them short and dopamine-inducing
  2. Add hooks to grab attention
  3. Simplify ideas to make them quotable

For example:

I’m sharing the same idea, but worded differently.

Content count: 1 + 10 = 11

3) Rearrange your micro ideas into 3 video clips

Next, identify 3 key themes or ideas from your Pillar Content that would translate well to video.

These could be particularly actionable tips, frameworks, or thought-provoking concepts.

Then, create a short video for each theme.

Use the relevant sections of your Pillar Content as the basis for your script. (Or use my mega prompt)

Here's the general format I like to use:

  • ~95 words
  • Quick hook to capture attention
  • Introduce the key idea/tip
  • Explain why it matters
  • Walk through how to implement it
  • Recap the key points
  • CTA to follow for more

Read this newsletter edition to get the full guide.

Here’s an animated tweet I created from the thread:

(Click the image to see the full video)

Content count: 11 + 12 = 23 (Post 3 clips on X, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube)

4) Repurpose it into one Instagram/LinkedIn carousel

Your thread also becomes a carousel like this:

The fastest way to turn a thread into a carousel is to use Taplio for LinkedIn carousels and a tool like Contentdrips for Instagram.

If you have the budget, let your designers add some visuals.

Content count: 23 + 2 = 25

5) Expand it into one newsletter

Your Pillar Content is a rough draft of a newsletter.

To adapt it into an email, follow this general outline:

  • Lead with a quick personal story that hooks the reader
  • Introduce your key idea and explain why it matters
  • Break your post down into 3-5 key points or lessons
  • Under each lesson, expand on the idea and explain how to implement it
  • Close with a recap of the key takeaways and next steps
  • Optimize your email for readability
  • Add examples for clarity

Look at this newsletter as an example.

Content count: 25 + 1 = 26

6) Expand your micro ideas into infinite content

This is where the Content Waterfall becomes magic.

As a creator, your job is to find ONE idea that resonates, and then say it a thousand times.

Mine is:

The best way to make money online is a personal brand. And the only way to build a brand that is beautiful, systemized, and effortless is an organic content funnel system with Founder OS.

This BIG idea consists of ~100 sub-ideas, like:

  1. The organic content funnel
  2. Newsletter OS
  3. Founder Freedom
  4. Nature is your greatest mentor

Notice that 80% of my content consists of the same 100 ideas re-assembled in new ways.

You can do that, too. Fleshed out each of your 20-100 core ideas, and reuse them forever.

For example, 1 of my 100 ideas is the Soul Trip - notice how I repeat it dozens of times:

Content count: ∞

How to create 20 content pieces in 1 minute

The Content Waterfall Creator is a 14-page mega AI prompt that turns your pillar content into:

  • 5 LinkedIn posts
  • 12 X posts
  • 3 video scripts

This will save you 10+ hours a week repurposing it all by yourself. Ghostwriters charge you $2,000 for drafts like these.

>>> Access the Content Waterfall Creator

Now, one last thing -

A personal brand is the best way to make money online in the 21st century.

To build one, you need to create content consistently. To stay consistent, you need to make it effortless. And to make it effortless, you need systems.

The Content Waterfall System is one of the proven frameworks from Founder OS.

If you want 100+ more systems like these (including SOPs) -

>>> Apply for a Founder OS Consult

That’s all for today.

Let’s win together 🥇


PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: The Content Waterfall System is just one of the systems you need to grow on social media. If you want to learn about the remaining ones, check out my YouTube video on how I gained 1.8M followers FAST​

​#2: Book me as keynote speaker. In my talks, I share practical strategies and systems for audience growth, brand building, and automation - like the Content Waterfall System.

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© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

Get the free systems and tools that 107,000 CEOs and founders use weekly to automate their business, hit $5,000,000 profit per year, and achieve true freedom.

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