The 4Ws Freedom Framework

Read Time: 3 minutes

Escape the daily grind and architect your freedom lifestyle [The 4Ws Freedom Framework]

As I stared up at the fluorescent lights of the dental office in Newmarket, Ontario, I knew I didn't want to be a dentist.

The sound of the dentist's drill irritated me like crazy.

I yearned for more autonomy and fulfillment in my work.

I wanted to create my own business on my own terms, not follow my dad's footsteps into dentistry.

No chance I could spend the rest of my career staring at mouths.

I wanted to decide my own hours, projects, team and location.

To create something tied to my innate talents, not confined by the walls of an office.

So I took the terrifying leap into entrepreneurship and founded Bitmaker — an edtech company.

Despite insane hours and government raid, I reveled in bringing my own ideas to life instead of operating under someone else's rules.

After exiting Bitmaker, I doubled down on entrepreneurship with Herb, growing it to a cannabis household name of 14 million followers.

Now with Founder OS and my personal brand, I’ve reached new heights of work freedom.

I handpick who to collaborate with, working remotely as I travel the world.

I pour my passion into serving fellow founders through products aligned with my strengths.

Owning the 4 W’s — who you work with, what you work on, where you work, and when you work — has been life changing.

The autonomy and fulfillment I used to crave now shape my days, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

By taking control of the 4 key elements that shape our days, we can craft our ideal lifestyle.

Today, let’s dive into practical ways to harness the power of the 4 W’s so you can architect a work life aligned to your soul’s deepest calling...


Founder Freedom: The ultimate blueprint to transition out of the 9-5 matrix

I’ve distilled down 10 of my most powerful systems...

And create a brand-new course — Founder Freedom.

Giving you the exact, comprehensive blueprint behind the automated business and leveraged lifestyle myself and other "autopreneurs" get to enjoy.

Here's what you’ll discover inside Founder Freedom:

  • The proven system to build your brand to 6-figures and beyond
  • How to craft mouth-watering offers that will have people lining up to buy from you (even if you’ve never sold a single thing online before)
  • The EXACT offer stack blueprint I’ve used to grow my personal brand to multiple millions
  • Proven hooks and copywriting techniques that will serve as a beacon for your ideal customer amidst a sea of noise
  • My battle-tested playbook for growing an audience of 247,500 followers on X (Twitter)
  • “Paint-by-numbers” frameworks for turning your audience into cash

However, the opportunity to join Founder Freedom ends this Wednesday, January 10th at midnight.

And it won't reopen it until April.

If you're ready to finally make 2024 your breakthrough year, you should seriously consider joining Founder Freedom before it's too late.

>>> Click here to join Founder Freedom

(Access closes on Wednesday, January 10th at midnight).

Now back to my 4W Freedom Framework...

1. Where You Work

Physical location has perhaps the most noticeable impact on mindset, creativity and productivity.

Identify dream locations that inspire creativity, like a:

  • Beach
  • Mountain cabin
  • Bustling major city

Compile a list and rank locations based on cost, safety, infrastructure, time zone, and ability to easily connect with team members.

Even with a relatively low USD income, you'd be surprised how many countries you can comfortably live in (my favorites are in Latin America and Southeast Asia).

Take advantage of this currency arbitrage by finding an environment that allows you to do your best work and scale your business.

You'll never regret it.

2. When You Work

Rigid work hours suffocate flexibility and freedom.

Strive for work rhythms that sync to your natural energy flows.

Are you most productive in mornings or at night?

Block off those high-energy windows for your uninterrupted, deepest focus work.

Personally, I block off mornings for deep focused work when I'm freshest.

And I tackle administrative tasks when I typically hit an afternoon lull.

I also recommend thoughtfully blocking your calendar with timed slots for exercise, family/friends meals and weekly adventures to recharge.

With some testing and tweaking, you'll find the optimal rhythm that unlocks your potential.

3. Who You Work With

Surrounding yourself with the right people is everything.

It accelerates growth and enjoyment, and it's one of the most important factors for your general happiness.

Therefore it's crucial you dedicate the time towards curating a dream team that shares your values.

I only work with those dedicated to win-win relationships rooted in openness.

Those unwilling to have courageous conversations don't make the cut.

Set your overall business vision, but make sure you give room for mavericks and contrarians to refine strategies.

Seek out those with superpowers complementing your weaknesses.

Together, you'll compound each other's genius.

By thoughtfully choosing who you work with, you magnify impact while minimizing friction.

4. What You Work On

Aligning your work with your passions and strengths is the ultimate freedom.

To identify your zone of genius, write out the following:

  • Your inherent skills
  • Your passions
  • Market needs

Your zone of genius lies at the intersection of this list.

Now review your current projects.

Delegate, automate, or eliminate anything that is outside your zone of genius.

This clears the path to redirect your precious focus towards fulfilling and meaningful work.

In your free time, carve out time for self-discovery around latent passions.

More likely than not, some of these interests may turn out to be lucrative future business ventures.

Continually rinse and repeat this process, and you'll never "work" a day in your life.

[Free Download] My Personal Board Meeting

Another valuable tool in my "freedom arsenal" is my monthly Personal Board Meeting.

It’s been the secret to my trajectory and traction in all buckets of life:

  • Body
  • Mind
  • Spirit
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Finances

I highly recommend you host your own Personal Board Meeting too (on the first or last day of every month).

>>> Click here to see how it works and access my template for it.

There you have it — the framework for taking back control and architecting your freedom.

Leverage the 4 W's to dictate your circumstances rather than being dictated by them.

And to get you started, I've put together plug-and-play templates that'll help you bring these systems to life.

>>> Click here to get the 4W Freedom-Designer.

The more clarity you have, the easier it becomes to reverse engineer that vision into reality.

Once you've put together your ideal "freedom life," DM it to me on Twitter so I can check it out.

Let’s win together 🥇

Matt Gray

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

#1: Ready to grow your personal brand to $5 million or more? Let's chat. >>> Click here to apply for your Founder Clarity Call with my team

#2: Have you seen my YouTube Channel? I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe.

#3: Promote your brand to over 86,000 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (booking into March 2024).

#4: Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more operating systems, marketing tips, and community-building systems.

This week’s newsletter is brought to you by ConvertKit.

ConvertKit is the go-to marketing hub for creators that helps you grow and monetize your audience with ease.

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Starting growing your email list here.

💎 Gem of the Week 💎

I recently released my favorite YouTube video to date - have you seen it?

I had the chance to interview a person I've personally learned a lot from, Ali Abdaal.

In case you don't know who Ali is - he's the world’s most-followed productivity expert, with 5 million subscribers, and he’s taught millions of people to accomplish more while living a joy-filled life.

Over the course of our chat, Ali revealed a BUNCH of his systems for growth that you can literally copy-and-paste for your own brand.

And best of all, Ali shares the one change he made that would end up being worth $5,000,000.

Want to know what it is?

Then you're going to have the check out the video for yourself ;)

>>> Click here to watch the video.

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© Founder OS

957 N Ridgewood Pl , Los Angeles, CA 90038

Founder Growth Systems by Matt Gray

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